Open datasets

We gather regionally produced open datasets in these pages. Open data is public information that everybody can freely use.

Do you want to open data?

Please don't hesitate to contact us: or on behalf of Turku city

Signs for open data

Public: Data that does not interfere with privacy issues or public safety .
Technical availability: Information is machine readable (not e.g. PDF-documents)
Free: Data is provided without fees
Re-usability: Clear license that allows reuse of data

Finnish Public Sector Recommendations instruct to use CC BY 4.0 licence.

EU_EAKR_FI_vertical_20mm_rgb_mv_small VipuvoimaaEU_2014_2020_rgb_MV_small 6aika-tunnus-en-slogan-RGB-B_small Turku_vaaka_300ppi_viiva_black_small lounaispaikka_logo